wtorek, 30 września 2008

I'll go to Germany

I began the learn of the German language. Soon
I will go to Germany for the professional practice.

sobota, 19 lipca 2008

Lesson of Polish.

Hi. My name is Tomek. I'm Polish. Many Poles are good at an English. I think it will be well if and you will learn a bit of my language. Polish language is a Slavonic. Is similar to the Czech, Slovak and Russian. About 37 million Poles are applying it. In order to encourage you to study I found a few cheerful lessons in the Internet.

Lesson about names of clothes.

Numbers. Weekdays. Months. Seasons.
Polish healthy vegetables.
Basic Polish sentences.
Polish is isn't difficult.

poniedziałek, 14 lipca 2008

piątek, 20 czerwca 2008

czwartek, 12 czerwca 2008

Amsterdam - Red Light District

One of the most famous tourist attractions of Amsterdam is Red Light District. District of the legal prostitution offered in shop windows. There are sex shops, and apartments there with erotic displays. There are many bars and restaurants serving dishes from entire world. Also a marijuana and all accessories connected with it are available. There is a large crowd during holidays there. In the Red Light District not to do too many photographs. You should do only a general plan.

poniedziałek, 2 czerwca 2008

sobota, 31 maja 2008

Liquidated Forum Hotel in Cracow.

Building of the Hotel of the non-existent group of the Forum, earmarked for demolition.

piątek, 30 maja 2008

czwartek, 29 maja 2008

Kościół Mariacki w Krakowie
Festiwal nauki na krakowskim rynku.
Barokowy kościół św. Michała Anioła
Uliczki Starego Miasta
"Hotel Polonia"
"Hotel Warszawski"

wtorek, 27 maja 2008

Jasna Góra.
Aleje Najswiętszej Marii Panny.
Ulica Dekabrystów i osiedle Parkitka. Widok z Jasnej Góry na akademiki, os. 1000-lecie i os. Północ.Na rynku wieluńskim.

poniedziałek, 26 maja 2008

Squaty na mojej ulicy Spuistraat
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Znana na całym świecie Spuistraat na której mieszkałem.
Candida Gebouw widziana od strony Spuistraat Coffeeshop Mediterrane
300 letnie domy na Spuistraat